Tanzania Mountaineering Machame 8D

强度 5星



  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达乞力马扎罗山(Kilimanjaro) - 阿鲁沙(Arusha)

    Day 01: 2020: Arrival +Arusha

    Arrive at Kilimanjaro international airport meet and great by our representative transfer to Arusha for the overnight at Kibo Palace Hotel booked on bed and breakfast

    Accommodation : Kibo Palace Hotel (or similar)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Kibo Palace Hotel酒店以非洲最高峰乞力马扎罗山的最高峰命名,是阿鲁沙最令人兴奋和最具创新性的豪华酒店之一。现代、导电、不落俗套,以崭新姿态打造豪华酒店。酒店地理位置优越,距离乞力马扎罗机场 45 分钟车程,步行 10 分钟即可到达中央商务区。银行和医院设施都在酒店半径50米以内。

  2. D2: 阿鲁沙(Arusha) - 玛山姆基地(Machame Hut Camp)

    We will pick you up from the entrance of the Arusha hotel and drive you 1 hour to the Machame Gate to register for the climb and prepare for the climb with the other staff (cooks and porters). According to local regulations, each mountaineering team needs to be registered, and the luggage carried by the husband needs to be weighed, which can not exceed 40 kilograms per person. After the rectification, we need to walk through a dense tropical rainforest for 5-6 hours in the deep forest. Along the way, you will pass through coffee fields, which are green grass, trees and ferns, until you reach Machame Camp (3,048m above sea level). The Marsam Line is the perfect combination of difficulty and scenery, and we will cut across the Hilla Mesa in the southwest to the Summit camp in the southeast, with views of the entire southern foothills.

    Accommodation : Machame Hut CampTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 6-7 hours

  3. D3: 玛山姆基地(Machame Hut Camp) - 希拉基地(Shira Camp)

    After a break from Marsam Camp, cross a beautiful river valley and cross a fast-flowing river. It is very pleasant to be on top of the mountains and in the deep woods. Breathing the fresh air, looking at the fresh green after the rain. The trees of the tropical rain forest are often entangled by various parasitic plants, so the whole forest is entangled with vines, as if it were a fishing net. Perhaps because it was a lazy afternoon, the larger animals were hiding, except for the occasional monkey and squirrel in the distant treetops. Continue along the senecio ridge to the Hilla Alpine Wilderness. Set up tents and dine at Shira Camp (3803m above sea level). Learn to use high pressure tanks and oxygen tanks, so that the body gradually adapt to the high altitude climate environment.

    Accommodation : Shira CampTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +755 meters

  4. D4: 希拉基地(Shira Camp) - 巴兰科基地(Barranco Camp)

    Start the climb with very few boulders and rocks, then steadily climb up the lava tower and stop for lunch around noon. For those interested, continue climbing the volcanic rocks (4000m above sea level) (a slight headache may occur due to the high altitude). From the volcanic rock we will walk for about 2 hours through a trail with many volcanic rocks to Barranco Camp (3962m). We were lucky enough to see the magnificent Uhuru Peak again and end the day in the sunset.

    Accommodation : Barranco CampTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +200/-100 meters

  5. D5: 巴兰科基地(Barranco Camp) - 巴拉夫基地(Barafu camp)

    After spending the night at the Barranco Wall, you'll cross this awesome barrier, which is often easier to do than you think. Below the Heim Glacier, you will see the true beauty of Kilimanjaro. We then travel through arid ridges and valleys, crossing the Karanga Valley to connect with the Mweka line. This is the preferred route down from the top, so we have to remember it. Arrive at Barafu camp (4681m). Balaf means "ice" in Swahili. We will spend the night in this deserted camp. We were completely exposed to the omnipresent wind, and the tent carried a narrow ridge below.

    Make sure to familiarise yourself with the terrain before it gets dark to avoid any surprises, with the summit still 1214 metres high, where you will take your final challenge. Prepare your gear and pole insulation suit to prepare you for the summit challenge. This should also include your headlights, camera batteries and make sure spare equipment is also available. To prevent the water from freezing, pour it into a thermos. Try to go to bed early to rest and recover.

    Accommodation : Barafu campTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 7-8 hours

    Highest Altitude : 4681 meters

  6. D6: 巴拉夫基地(Barafu camp) - 维卡基地(Mweka)

    You will get up at about 23:20, enjoy some tea and biscuits, and shower overnight. You will head northwest through the Dastera Point forest to the crater rim. For many climbers, the six-hour walk to Stella Point is the most mentally and physically challenging route. At Stella Point (5775m above sea level), stop and rest for the most spectacular sunrise (weather permitting).

    The journey from Stella Point to Uhuru Peak (5895m) takes about 2 hours and may be subject to snow and snow, your time to reach the summit will depend on the weather conditions, so enjoy the achievement once you reach the summit. It takes about three hours to walk from the summit back to Camp Baraf. At the Camp you will have a good rest and gather the rest of your gear before heading to Mweka Camp (3090m above sea level).

    The route is not very difficult, we will follow the rock and forest path into the swamp, and finally into the forest, the camp is located on the upper level of the forest, and can expect fog or rain later in the afternoon. We'll prepare dinner and a bath for you.

    Accommodation : MwekaTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Distance : 16 kilometers

    Trekking Time : more than 8 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +1214/-2805 meters

  7. D7: 维卡基地(Mweka) - 阿鲁沙(Arusha)

    After breakfast, we hike 4 to 6 hours back to the Mweka Gate (1,641m). It was a day of long descent, and some climbers may have experienced knee discomfort. Knee pads and trekking poles became essential.

    At the gate of Vika Hill, you will sign your name on a register. This is also where successful mountaineers get their summit certificates. Climbers who reach Stella Point will receive a green certificate. Climbers who reach Uhuru will win gold MEDALS. From Vika Gate we hike through a muddy 3 km road (1 hour) and arrive in the small town of Vika where we will enjoy a delicious lunch, after which we will drive you back to the Arusha Select hotel for a hot bath.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : -1449 meters

  8. D8: 阿鲁沙(Arusha);返程或继续延展行程

    As there are no activities scheduled for this day, you can choose the flight departure of the day according to your own arrangement

    According to the flight time, you will have the corresponding free time at your disposal, do not want to lazy in the hotel, just use this day to experience the life of the locals. You can walk in the local, shopping, leisurely and comfortable. Then head to the airport for an international flight back home.

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type 登山

Route Code40F-KILMAC

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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