Nepal Adventure A 5D

强度 4星

这里风景名胜不胜枚举,从加德满都(Kathmandu)谷地的古皇城,到纳加阔特(Nagakot)的壮美;从南摩布达(Namobuddha)的静谧,到最后的圣地(Last Resort)的疯狂;世界十大高峰中的八座都在其境内,是名符其实的“高山王国”;这里的庙宇数以万计,宗教的影响无处不在;这里被誉为“探险家的天堂”——徒步、登山、漂流、滑翔伞、丛林漫步……跟随BM一起走进尼泊尔,这将是一次极致探险,同时又是一次恬静的心灵之旅。Namaste(印度语中表达问候与谢意),尼泊尔!

  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达加德满都(Kathmandu) - 巴克塔普尔(Bhaktapur)

    For your convenience and to ensure the smooth progress of your trip, we recommend that you choose a flight that arrives in the afternoon or evening that day

    Fly to Kathmandu (elevation 1350 meters). The tour leader will pick you up at the airport and take you to Bhaktapur in a private minibus. In less than half an hour’s drive, we reached Bhaktapur. If we had to choose only one to visit among the three imperial cities at the bottom of the Kathmandu Valley, we would choose Bhaktapur without hesitation. In Nepali language, Bhaktapur means "piety". This 15th-century city is filled with pagodas, palaces, wood carvings, pilgrims, and handicraft workshops. Compared with Kathmandu, the Durbar Square and Potters Square here can make you truly Feel the tranquility of life away from the hustle and bustle. As a world cultural heritage, Bhaktapur is essentially the center of Hinduism in Nepal. This is a record of the true living conditions and beliefs of the Nepalese people. Forget that you are a tourist, as a Nepali, living in Bhaktapur, immersed in the brick-red religious world under the blue sky.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Trekking Time : 2-3 hours

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  2. D2: 巴克塔普尔(Bhaktapur) - 纳加阔特(Nagarkot) - 南摩布达(Namobuddha)

    How can you miss Bhaktapur in the early morning? Join the pilgrims in the morning and wander around this temple complex built by the Malla Kings. Afterwards, we drove to Nagarkot (1950 meters above sea level), the "viewing platform of the Himalayas", where we can see the 7436-meter Mount Ganesh and the 7240-meter Mount Langtang. ), the 6905-meter Dorje Lakpa... Our tour leader will be extremely proud to introduce you to the world-class hiking routes at the foot of the mountain. This is also the reason why Nepal has become the world's top outdoor destination. A mountain of the kingdom and the kingdom of God. After that, we started our trek in Nagarkot. This is the best one we have chosen for you from among the many short trekking routes in Nagarkot. Although it cannot be compared with those world-class hiking routes, as an exploration-level itinerary, it will definitely open a door to your outdoor journey. Outdoors is a means. What we want is to use this means to see more different things and a more real life. During the entire hike, we will continue to pass by local villages, so everyone has the opportunity to see up close the Tamangs, a minority group that has lived in this area for a long time, and the snow-capped mountains in the distance. , forming the background picture of the entire hike. After the hike, our chef team, already in place, will prepare a sumptuous lunch for everyone and teach you how to prepare a delicious meal during outdoor hiking. Outdoor fun is everywhere.

    In the afternoon, we drove to Nang Mobuda. This is an outdoor resort that is not as crowded with tourists as Nagarkot, but is highly praised by countless outdoor enthusiasts and local Nepali people. In addition to embracing the spectacular snow-capped mountains, it is a village with rich vegetation and full of vitality. There are not only the best mountain biking routes near Canada, but also many short hiking routes that are highly recommended by outdoor enthusiasts. After arriving at Nanmobuda, we will climb up a small mountain peak and quietly enjoy the sunset, forests, villages and temples at the foot of the snow-capped mountains. Then, before dinner, we went to visit a local shaman (Dhami-Jhankri) whose job it was to heal the locals. This time-honored tradition is still very popular in villages and villages in the mountainous areas of Nepal. Because there are no modern hospitals and real doctors here. Tonight, we will stay at a unique eco-resort in Nanmobuda. We will have our own independent wooden house. All the fruits and vegetables are organic. The vegetables for dinner may be grown in front of your window. Tonight, we will enjoy a vegetarian feast carefully prepared by the hotel. Here, no meat is allowed, so let us experience the double baptism of body and spirit just for this night.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    Trekking Time : 2-3 hours

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  3. D3: 南摩布达(Namobuddha) - 消失的圣地(Last Resort)

    In the early morning, the hilltop next to the resort is the best viewing spot for Rizhao Jinshan Mountain. However, today's climax is no longer just the snowy mountains. After breakfast, we walked through the mountains and villages in the morning light and arrived at the Namobode Buddhist Temple, which is both a place of local belief and an excellent viewing spot. A morning walk leaves us feeling refreshed! After a warm-up, we will start our mountain biking tour. But you don’t have to worry at all. In the exploration itinerary, we have chosen a truly entry-level cycling route with very small climbs. At the same time, our most professional bicycle tour leader will teach you the knowledge and precautions of riding. , along the way we visited villages, schools, and drank a cup of tea at local people’s homes. You will not feel tired from riding at all. As we said, cycling is just a means to help us better integrate into the lives of locals!

    After the ride is over, we will say goodbye to Namobod. I believe that by this time, you will deeply fall in love with this place and the outdoor fun! We drove along the road connecting Nepal and Tibet, China, crossing the Bhote Koshi River and arriving at our destination today - the Lost Holy Land (Last Resort). When you have to abandon your car and walk across a suspension bridge between valleys to enter this "holy place", I believe you are already obsessed with this place. After lunch, we enjoy free time to disappear into the Holy Land, a natural paradise. He is best known for his extreme bungee jump, which is the longest vertical bungee jump in the world. Or, you can travel in the embrace of nature, hiking, climbing trees, biking, plants, animals, there is everything you want in nature. In the evening, we have prepared a farewell dinner for you in the Holy Land. You need to eat well and sleep well, because tomorrow's more interesting itinerary is still waiting for you.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  4. D4: 消失的圣地(Last Resort) - 博特科什(Botcosh) - 加德满都(Kathmandu)

    It shouldn't require much description. The world's top short-distance rafting, because the Botkosh River is the most exciting river in Nepal. We will start our trip from a simple river section, and the most professional rafting team will ensure that you are absolutely safe while enjoying this speechless experience. After rafting, we had lunch on the river bank with our rafting team. When we have experienced the ups and downs of life together, the simple and sincere smiles on their faces will remain in our hearts for a long time. In the afternoon, we drive to Kathmandu. During the journey, we will also visit Bodhnath, which is located in the center of Tibetan area. It is the largest pagoda in the world and a holy place of Tibetan Buddhism. After arriving in Kathmandu, we can explore the World Heritage Site-Durbar Square and learn about Nepalese temple architecture and religious culture. Afterwards, we will pass through the bustling market and alleys of Asan Street (Asan Tole) and arrive at Thamel, a popular tourist destination known as "Little Hong Kong". At night, you can enjoy the nightlife of Canada and your free time.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  5. D5: 加德满都(Kathmandu);返程或继续延展行程

    If you want, you can go to the Pashupatinath Temple, the most sacred place where life ends in Kathmandu, commonly known as the Shiva Temple. You can stop here to see the end of life and burn the corpse. You can see the end of life. At that time, the whole process from washing in the holy river to burning. You can also visit Swayambhunath Temple, also known as the Monkey Temple because of the large number of wild monkeys that live here. You can also rent a tuk-tuk and head to Patan to complete the grand slam of three imperial cities. Or, if you think you have seen enough temples and palaces, you can choose to bask in the warm sun in Durbar Square in the afternoon, and come to a bar in Thamel in the evening to slowly savor the experiences and insights along the way.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

Route Type 人文户外

Route CodeNEPADV1

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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