Argentina Mountaineering Aconcagua2 18D

强度 6星

被誉为“美洲巨人”的阿空加瓜山是整个南半球的最高峰,也是除珠峰之外的世界最高峰。这座地球上海拔最高的死火山坐落于安第斯山脉北部,以其极高的海拔、极低的气温和壮美的景色成为了让全世界登山爱好者心向往之的“非洲之巅”。 此次,我们为大家带来的是攀登阿空加瓜山的传统线路,在20天内从门多萨登至顶峰,体味征服“美洲巨人“的乐趣!

  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达门多萨(Mendoza)

    For your convenience and to ensure the smooth running of your trip, we recommend that you choose a flight that arrives in the morning

    On the first day of the tour, we met in Mendoza and stayed at one of the most comfortable hotels in the area. On this day, our professional guides will check your climbing equipment and personal accident insurance, and make recommendations for equipment rental according to the actual situation.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Highest Altitude : 760 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  2. D2: 门多萨(Mendoza) - 拜尼腾泰斯(Penitentes)

    Before heading to Benitenteis, the whole group applies for a climbing permit in a unified way with the assistance of a guide, which can take some time. On the first day of the tour, we will have lunch in Benitenteis, and in the afternoon we will gather the supplies for the next few days to be carried by mules (the camels will leave before us the next day) and get ready for the rest of the tour.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    Highest Altitude : 2725 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  3. D3: 拜尼腾泰斯(Penitentes) - 康因西亚(confluencia)

    We will drive to the entrance of the park and, after obtaining a permit, walk to the confluencia camp. The supplies needed for the hike will be carried by mules. After arriving at the camp site, set up a camping tent with your companions and have a good rest.

    Accommodation : confluenciaTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Distance : 8 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 3-4 hours

    Highest Altitude : 3300 meters

  4. D4: 康因西亚(confluencia) - 弗朗西亚广场(Plaza Francia) - 康因西亚(confluencia)

    We will hike to Plaza Francia, the base on the south side of the Acangagua Mountains. Here you will have a delicious lunch and a magnificent view of the Aconcagua Mountains! We will then return to Camp Conincia. Let's take this day hike as a warm-up and get ready for the next challenge!

    Accommodation : confluenciaTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Camp Meal); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

    Highest Altitude : 4000 meters

  5. D5: 康因西亚(confluencia) - 穆拉斯广场(Plaza de Mulas)

    Today will be a hike to the Muras Base Camp at Muras Square. This will be our first challenging trek. After a long day crossing the winding Horcones River, we make our way to the glacier in the distance. The sun shines brightly on the layered red ochre cliffs of the now dried-out valley. After arriving at Muras base camp, we set up tents together and have a good rest to adapt to the altitude of more than 4,000.

    Accommodation : Plaza de MulasTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Distance : 14 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 6-7 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +960 meters

    Highest Altitude : 4260 meters

  6. D6: 穆拉斯广场(Plaza de Mulas) - 博内特峰(Mt.Bonete) - 穆拉斯广场(Plaza de Mulas)

    Today we continue our hike to Mt.Bonete (5,100 m) before returning to Muras Base Camp for rest. On this day, you will climb the 5,100 meters of Bonet Peak - a small peak that will fully stimulate your energy and make you more acclimated to the environment of Aconcagua.

    Accommodation : Plaza de MulasTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +840/-840 meters

    Highest Altitude : 5100 meters

  7. D7: 穆拉斯广场(Plaza de Mulas) - 1号营地(CampⅠ) - 穆拉斯广场(Plaza de Mulas)

    We were greeted by an adaptive hike to C1 Canard Camp. On this day, you will need to bring some of the expedition equipment and food needed in the high-altitude camp to Kanad (each member including the guide will be transferred, without exception, about 15kg/person, unless you use a carrier for the whole journey). The purpose of this day's walking is to adapt the body to the higher altitude, and to carry the load will help you to be lighter and better equipped for the summit. After lunch in Kanad, we will return to base camp to rest.

    Accommodation : Plaza de MulasTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +650/-650 meters

    Highest Altitude : 4910 meters

  8. D8: 穆拉斯广场(Plaza de Mulas)

    Today is a rest day, after continuous training and walking for many days, the recovery of this day is comfortable and very important, most of the time is at your disposal, leisure we need to cooperate with the guide to prepare the next few days of materials, check technical equipment. Brace yourself for the rest of your journey.

    Accommodation : Plaza de MulasTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Camp Meal); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Highest Altitude : 4260 meters

  9. D9: 穆拉斯广场(Plaza de Mulas) - 1号营地(CampⅠ)

    Today, we will break camp and go to Camp 1 (Camp Canard). Throughout the day, we continued to transfer personal gear and other expedition gear that had not been brought to C1. Upon arrival in Karnad, we will camp here and have lunch.

    Accommodation : CampⅠTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 4-5 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +650 meters

    Highest Altitude : 4910 meters

  10. D10: 1号营地(CampⅠ) - 2号营地上原驼(Camp Guanacos)

    Today's mission is to board Camp 2, Nido de Condores. On this day's walk, each traveler will be responsible for managing and carrying their own personal gear. Our public bearers will carry public equipment, tent stoves and other tasks. After arriving at the camp, the guide will guide you to set up the tent, and then rest and refresh to continue the challenge of the next day. Starting the day, all breakfast and dinner will be cooked by our guides for everyone.

    Accommodation : Camp GuanacosTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 3-4 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +340 meters

    Highest Altitude : 5250 meters

  11. D11: 2号营地上原驼(Camp Guanacos) - 3号营地(Colera) - 2号营地上原驼(Camp Guanacos)

    Today's task is to deliver enough food and equipment for the hike to Camp 3: Colera. Every member of the team must bring their own luggage and food, without exception. This is a short hike, but the terrain is rough and requires a certain amount of physical strength to complete the challenge. Upon arrival in Calera, we will have lunch in the camp before returning to Camp 2 for rest.

    Accommodation : Camp GuanacosCampsite multi-bed hut with shared toilet & bathroom

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +750/-750 meters

    Highest Altitude : 6000 meters

  12. D12: 2号营地上原驼(Camp Guanacos) - 3号营地(Colera)

    Continue to Camp 3, Calera. Same job moving equipment and supplies. After arriving at Calera Camp, we will set up camp according to the pre-planned plan, and the guide will check the condition of each member and give final advice. The guide will make a plan for the last day of climbing according to the actual situation to ensure the success of the summit. On the day we will have dinner and rest at Camp 3 to prepare for the final summit.

    Accommodation : ColeraTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +750 meters

    Highest Altitude : 6000 meters

  13. D13: 3号营地(Colera) - 阿空加瓜顶峰(Summit of Aconcagua) - 3号营地(Colera)

    Summit day has finally arrived! Today, we will start early from Camp 3 and expect to start the summit after breakfast at 4-5. The scenery at the top of Aconcagua Mountain is magnificent and will be the best reward for your unforgettable memories and days of hard hiking! After enjoying the view of the summit, we will return to Camp 3 to rest and enjoy the success of the summit.

    Accommodation : ColeraTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : more than 8 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +962/-962 meters

    Highest Altitude : 6962 meters

  14. D14: 3号营地(Colera) - 穆拉斯广场(Plaza de Mulas)

    After a long return journey, we return to Muras base Camp. Each member will be responsible for carrying their own personal gear and the expedition gear they are assigned. The team's tent sleeping bags and household waste will be taken away by our staff. After arriving at Muras Square, you can spend your time at your disposal, so enjoy your leisure time!

    Accommodation : Plaza de MulasTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 6-7 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : -1740 meters

    Highest Altitude : 6000 meters

  15. D15: 穆拉斯广场(Plaza de Mulas) - 奥尔科内斯(Horcones) - 门多萨(Mendoza)

    Like going into the mountain, it will be a long day to return, but the difference is the feeling of joy after the summit. After arriving in Orcones, we will transfer to Mendoza and stay at a local hotel. It's expected around 22 p.m.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    Trekking Distance : 22 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 7-8 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : -3500 meters

    Highest Altitude : 4260 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  16. D16: 门多萨(Mendoza)

    These two days are the necessary reserve days for the summit, which can be used to adjust to the altitude and to avoid bad weather. If the summit goes well, guests will have two more days to enjoy Mendoza's Argentine flair, savour local cuisine and sample some of the best wines the city is known for.

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

  17. D17: 门多萨(Mendoza)

    These two days are the necessary reserve days for the summit, which can be used to adjust to the altitude and to avoid bad weather. If the summit goes well, guests will have two more days to enjoy Mendoza's Argentine flair, savour local cuisine and sample some of the best wines the city is known for.

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

  18. D18: 门多萨(Mendoza);返程或继续延展行程

    Leave according to flight time.

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type 登山

Route CodeARGMACO2

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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