2024 France TMB Trekking(Comfort Version) 8D

强度 3星

勃朗峰环线以其绝佳的山色美景极富盛名,站在阿尔卑斯山的最高峰,漫步在充满原始气息的牧场,尽情领略勃朗峰的壮丽柔美。每个站点会用景点和交叉点做出标记,山间小径指向明显,整个徒步线路有难有易。我们的徒步从霞慕尼(Chamonix)开始,我们从白湖(Lac Blanc)出发,然后到阿让蒂尔(Argentière),返回霞慕尼住宿。 乘坐小巴前往佛克拉斯山口(Col de la Forclaz),徒步到尚佩(Champex),经过博维纳(Visaille)的一些牧场。夜晚住宿在尚佩克斯的酒店。穿过费禾特山口,来到意大利境内,下山来到达阿努瓦(Arnuva),再到库马耶(Courmayeur)。搭乘私人小巴到达维塞耶(Visaille), 经过塞聂(Seigne)山口,下山走过来蒙特(Les Mottets),回到法国境内,之后前往夏皮于克斯(Les Chapieux)。路经本奥姆山口(Col du Bonhomme),下山前往圣母院修道院(Notre Dame de la Gorge),接着前往孔塔米纳(Les Contamines)。回程到达霞慕尼(Chamonix)。

  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达霞慕尼...(Chamonix...)

    Upon arrival in Geneva, our staff will meet us at the airport and take us by private bus to the town of Chamonix, the outdoor birthplace of Europe at the foot of the Alps! Check into the hotel for a rest, and if we are short of any essentials for the rest of the trip, here you can get any outdoor gear you want. Our mountain leader will be waiting for us at the hotel and will check our equipment and give us pre-hike instructions.

    Transport : Local Van (1-1.5 hours)

    Accommodation : Lykke Hotel Chamonix (or similar)

    Meal : (On Own)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Mercure Chamonix Centre酒店位于夏蒙尼(Chamonix)中心的勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)脚下,距离通往南针峰(Aiguille du Midi)山脉的空中缆车有5分钟步行路程。酒店提供免费WiFi。房间位于2座不同的建筑中,被一条街隔开。Mercure Chamonix Centre酒店的所有客房均配有平板电视,以及1件带浴缸或淋浴设施的私人浴室。部分客房配有阳台,享有欣赏勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)的景致。酒店内的La Cordée餐厅供应萨瓦(Savoie)当地传统美食。

  2. D2: 霞慕尼...(Chamonix...) - 阿让蒂尔(Argentière) - 霞慕尼...(Chamonix...)

    Start the day's hike after breakfast. We head to the small town of La Praz and take the cable car to Chalet la Flegere, where the entire Chamonix gorge and the legendary ice sea (La Mer de La Glace) are in full view. From here, we begin our Grand Loop of Mont Blanc.

    The ridge rises slowly, thrilling us at every turn and every snowy encounter. We make our way up to the mysterious alpine lake Le Lac Blanc (2,352 meters above sea level), with its crystal clear waters and tiny ripples in the breeze. Here we see a panoramic view of the Alps: Les Drus, La Verte, l'Aiguille du Midi and Mont Blanc, the king of Europe's mountains. We stopped for a long time, unable to leave this world.

    Slowly follow the lakeside path down the hill, passing the Cheserys (1891 m) until the Col des Montets (1450 m) and return by car to Chamonix, ending the first day TMB (Tour du Mont Blanc Grand Loop).

    Note: Daily hiking distance and elevation elevation are for reference, there are some errors in each software; The daily hiking route may be adjusted according to the weather and other objective conditions considering safety issues. In addition, the cable car may be out of service during the National Day, and the hiking route will be adjusted accordingly.

    Transport : Public Bus (0.5-1 hour)

    Accommodation : Lykke Hotel Chamonix (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Feature Dinner)

    Trekking Distance : 10 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +517/-891 meters

    Highest Altitude : 2352 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Mercure Chamonix Centre酒店位于夏蒙尼(Chamonix)中心的勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)脚下,距离通往南针峰(Aiguille du Midi)山脉的空中缆车有5分钟步行路程。酒店提供免费WiFi。房间位于2座不同的建筑中,被一条街隔开。Mercure Chamonix Centre酒店的所有客房均配有平板电视,以及1件带浴缸或淋浴设施的私人浴室。部分客房配有阳台,享有欣赏勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)的景致。酒店内的La Cordée餐厅供应萨瓦(Savoie)当地传统美食。

  3. D3: 霞慕尼...(Chamonix...) - 尚佩克斯(Champex)

    Early in the morning, we take a shuttle bus through the Alpine town of Le Village de Trient, across the Franco-Swiss border to the Col de la Forclaz (1527 m), from where we start our trek today, with a professional leader, We pass through the dense fir and coniferous forests to the alpine pasture of Bovenna (Bovine, 1978 m), where nature once again unfolds: the distant canyon looms, the river Le Coude du Rhone flows quietly, and the northern foot of Mont Blanc is isolated. Along the way, the Massif des Combins rises and falls to the west, until we finally arrive in Champex, a charming Swiss town perched quietly on the shores of Lake Champex.

    If there is no room in champex, you will stay in a nearby town about 15 minutes by car.

    Transport : Local Van (0.5-1 hour)

    Accommodation : Hôtel Terminus (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Feature Dinner)

    Trekking Distance : 16 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 7-8 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +673/-749 meters

    Highest Altitude : 2050 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Hôtel Terminus酒店于2016年经过翻修,位于瑞士的奥西埃村(Orsières)的中心通往Great St. Bernard Pass山路的道路,坐落于1910年的历史建筑内,邻近Champex滑雪胜地、La Fouly村、Verbier村和Martigny市。 禁烟的Hôtel Terminus酒店提供免费WiFi和亦方便客人为其摩托车或自行车上锁的免费停车库停车位。客人可以在酒店自家的"Café-Restaurant Quai de l'Ours"餐厅享用新鲜和当地餐点或者在露台上小酌一杯。 Hôtel Terminus酒店距离Lac de Champex湖约有10公里。客人开车,搭乘巴士和火车即可轻松抵达Verbier 4 Vallées滑雪区、Les Marécottes滑雪区和La Fouly滑雪区的300公里的滑雪道。数条越野滑雪道和远足路径的起点位于附近。

  4. D4: 尚佩克斯(Champex) - 库马耶(Courmayeur)

    The 20-minute ride to La Fouly will put you in the company of hiking enthusiasts from all over the world, and you will be exposed to the atmosphere of the outdoors and the vitality of TMB.

    All the way along the river la Dranse, we came to the l'Alpage de La Peule, through the pasture, to the ridge of Le Col Ferret (2537 meters), we once again crossed the border and came to the mythical country of Italy! Directly facing the breathtaking Glacier Triolet (3870 m), turn a little to the southwest to the famous Grandes Jorasses (4208 m). Having completed the most challenging part of the day, with a great sense of accomplishment, we followed the trail down the hill to Arnuva, 1769 meters), take the exclusive bus to Courmayeur, an Italian town located in le Val d'Aoste, where we will do a day of rest and encounter in this Italian town. The outdoors is just a means, through the outdoors, we look forward to a real journey to the heart.

    Transport : Local Van (0.5-1 hour)

    Accommodation : IH Hotels Courmayeur Mont Blanc (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Feature Dinner)

    Trekking Distance : 12 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +757/-768 meters

    Highest Altitude : 2537 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Hotel Mont Blanc酒店位于风景如画的库马约尔(Courmayeur),距离Plan Checrouit缆车仅有500米,提供带壁炉的休息室以及酒吧。酒店客房均铺有木地板,享有山地风格的装饰,配有电视、迷你吧以及带拖鞋的私人浴室。酒店餐厅提供传统的奥斯塔食谱和各种上等葡萄酒。客人可以在带桑拿浴室、热水浴池和蒸汽浴室的健康中心放松身心。

  5. D5: 库马耶(Courmayeur)

    Free to go all day and let the morning light of Kumaya wake us up naturally. After breakfast in the hotel, you can freely arrange the morning leisure time, you can go to the town, encounter various Italian bars and dessert shops, walk through the old square church, when the bell tower bells, find a restaurant to sit down. In such a laid-back Italian town, you can't miss tasting the authentic pasta that Marco Polo is said to have brought to Europe from China.

    If you want to pay your own way to the hot springs, you can make your own way to the famous Kumaya hot springs. There is nothing more to say, prepare our swimsuits and bath towels, immerse in the alpine hot springs in the snowy mountains, relieve the fatigue of the half way, relax the body and mind, and embrace nature. In the evening, we can choose to go to the town's lively bars, or intoning coffee bars, to find our own space.

    Accommodation : IH Hotels Courmayeur Mont Blanc (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Hotel Mont Blanc酒店位于风景如画的库马约尔(Courmayeur),距离Plan Checrouit缆车仅有500米,提供带壁炉的休息室以及酒吧。酒店客房均铺有木地板,享有山地风格的装饰,配有电视、迷你吧以及带拖鞋的私人浴室。酒店餐厅提供传统的奥斯塔食谱和各种上等葡萄酒。客人可以在带桑拿浴室、热水浴池和蒸汽浴室的健康中心放松身心。

  6. D6: 库马耶(Courmayeur) - 雷夏皮于克斯(Les Chapieux*) - 圣莫里斯堡(Bourg-Saint-Maurice)

    Wake up in the morning and continue the classic journey of TMB. Take the exclusive bus to La Visaille (1,659 m above sea level) at the foot of Glacier du Miage, where we will start our trek today, We climb again into le Vallon de la Lee Blanche, where the Alpine sheep graze freely in the warm summer winds. Finally, we arrive at the Col de la Seigne (2,516 meters above sea level), and we are about to cross the final border of our journey from Italy back to France. Standing in the col, the southern half of Mont Blanc, Europe's highest peak, glows golden in the sun. We can't help but feel overwhelmed, victory is at hand, we have walked back to the country from which we started.

    Walk to Rexhapiux and drive to the town of Bourge Saint Maurice, where you will check into your hotel.

    Transport : Local Van (0.5-1 hour)

    Accommodation : Malgovert (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Feature Dinner)

    Trekking Distance : 17 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 6-7 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +841/-756 meters

    Highest Altitude : 2516 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    我们的酒店餐厅位于塞兹 (Séez),坐落在大阿尔卑斯山 (Route des Grandes Alpes) 路线上,四季欢迎您的光临。如果您想在主要滑雪胜地附近预订住宿或探索该地区,圣莫里斯堡附近的 Le Malgovert 酒店及餐厅可供您选择。 您还可以在酒店的 Le Malgovert 餐厅品尝萨瓦特色菜或用柴火烹制的披萨。

  7. D7: 圣莫里斯堡(Bourg-Saint-Maurice) - 雷夏皮于克斯*(Les Chapieux) - 霞慕尼...(Chamonix...)

    Last day of the Grand Loop Mont Blanc!! Perhaps, after walking all the way, we no longer have the first half of the cheer for each time to cross the pass, at this moment we are just walking quietly, tasting the heart slowly accumulated and slowly overflow of the drop moved.

    Keep going. Don't stop. Climb all the way to the Refuge du col de la Croix du Bonhomme (2443 m), then cross the Col du Bonhomme Pass (2329 m), Past the lovely le Chalet de la Balme, in the distance the legendary le Refuge du Nant-Borrant, and finally around the corner, The curved dome of Notre Dame de la Gorge flows like a painting. Finally, we came to Les Contamines. Yes, we have reached the end of our journey.

    Quietly, we took the bus back to Chamonix, where we completed the Grand loop around Mont Blanc. Let's use this evening to drink as much as we can.

    Transport : Local Van (1-1.5 hours)

    Accommodation : Lykke Hotel Chamonix (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Farewell Dinner)

    Trekking Distance : 15 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 7-8 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +680/-1275 meters

    Highest Altitude : 2485 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Mercure Chamonix Centre酒店位于夏蒙尼(Chamonix)中心的勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)脚下,距离通往南针峰(Aiguille du Midi)山脉的空中缆车有5分钟步行路程。酒店提供免费WiFi。房间位于2座不同的建筑中,被一条街隔开。Mercure Chamonix Centre酒店的所有客房均配有平板电视,以及1件带浴缸或淋浴设施的私人浴室。部分客房配有阳台,享有欣赏勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)的景致。酒店内的La Cordée餐厅供应萨瓦(Savoie)当地传统美食。

  8. D8: 霞慕尼(Chamonix) - 日内瓦(Geneva);返程或继续延展行程

    Free activities after breakfast, according to the flight schedule to arrange a dedicated bus to the airport, on the flight back home. Or according to different needs, continue our extended trip.

    Transport : Local Van (1.5-2 hours)

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type 徒步

Route CodeF8D-0C1-FRTR

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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