Tanzania Safari Elite 7D

强度 1星

在坦桑尼亚,自然世界与奇幻仙境结合得如此紧密。看动物大迁徙的天国之渡;看狮子和豹子则匍匐于草丛中,伺机发起致命一击;看广阔的草原上,从容前行的象群,成百上千的角马和斑马,每年都严格按照大自然的规律而迁徙着。 追寻食物。嗅着原始的气息,近距离观察动物们的生命密码,一切都变得紧张而激动起来。和BM的领队一起,在坦桑尼亚,回归狂野,见证热气腾腾的生机。

  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达阿鲁沙(Arusha) - 塔兰吉雷国家公园(Tarangire National Park) - 卡拉图(Karatu)

    After breakfast at the hotel, head to Tarangire National Park Safari, lunch at the hotel inside the park, take a break and head out on safari. Here is the home of more than 1500 elephants, you can see elephants, giraffes, zebras, antelopes and other wild animals up close, you can also see Africa's tree of life: baobab tree, stay in the park hotel at night, dinner rest.

    Accommodation : Bougainvillea Safari Lodge (or similar)

    Meal : (On Own); Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Hotel Restaurant)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  2. D2: 埃亚西湖(Lake Eyasi) - 卡拉图(Karatu)

    Today, we get up early and after breakfast at our hotel, we head to Lake Eyasi to visit the Hadzabe tribe, one of the last hunting tribes in the world, and learn about their way of life. They did not grow food, raise livestock or build permanent homes. Instead, they continue to live as they did 10,000 years ago, virtually unchanged. A small number of Hazabi Bushmen live around Eyashu, and their language, like that of other Bushmen in the southern Kalahari desert, is crackly. Their world is filled with the greatest degree of freedom that modern society can hardly imagine and impossible to experience. Survival skills are passed down from generation to generation here. There are no texts or phone calls, no cars or electricity. There are no jobs, bosses, schedules, social and religious structures. No laws, no taxes and, incredibly, no money. Here, we can experience unprecedented freedom and the most primitive peace. We would carry our bows and arrows, pick up our spear, and join our tribe in the morning hunt. After the hunt, we began to repair our "weapons", learning how to make and repair bows and spears. Finally, we come to one of the most primitive tribes here, where primitive polygamy is still alive and the smell of antiquity hits us.

    Accommodation : Bougainvillea Safari Lodge (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Hotel Restaurant)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  3. D3: 恩戈罗恩戈罗保护区(Ngorongoro Conservation Area) - 塞伦盖蒂国家公园(Serengheti National Park)

    After breakfast, bring lunch in the most classic off-road way all day safari, in the crater to enjoy the gallop, countless animals jumped into our eyes. The Ngorongoro Crater, the main attraction of the Ngorongoro Reserve, was formed during a volcanic eruption in prehistoric times. Today this vast area is home to a vast array of wildlife. In the Volcanic reserve there are two lakes, Ndutu and Masek, which are natural drinking pools for the wildlife in the reserve. Here you can see many large mammals, such as black rhinos, hippos, wildebeests, elephants, lions and buffaloes. It is called the "Eden of Africa".

    Afternoon out of the crater, back to the hotel dinner, rest.

    Accommodation : Masek Tented Lodge (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Hotel Restaurant)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    在帐篷的私人露台上,您可以观察该地区的野生动物。许多动物来到湖中寻找水源,因此这个营地位于一个特权观察点。 此外,这个地区是12月至4月发生的大迁徙的主要背景,五大移民访问该地区。该营地每年都会在该地区的不同地方设立,以确保您始终拥有最好的地方,从自己的帐篷中欣赏这一令人印象深刻的奇观。

  4. D4: 塞伦盖蒂国家公园(Serengheti National Park)

    Serengeti National Park is Tanzania's oldest and most popular national park and a World Heritage Site. The Serengeti is one of the most magnificent places on the African continent, a place of extraordinary natural beauty where large wildlife lives at ease and free. It has the largest animal community dedicated to human beings and the world-famous Big Five African beasts, as well as more than 300 species of birds, constituting the world's largest animal natural ecosystem. From the endless plains, to the purple mountains, to the steaming banks of the river, to the huge granite forts, it is a pure African scene. Lunch and rest at Four Seasons Hotel. In the afternoon, you can continue to arrange Safari according to your state, or you can choose to rest in the hotel. Return to hotel for dinner in the evening.

    Accommodation : Masek Tented Lodge (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Hotel Restaurant)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    在帐篷的私人露台上,您可以观察该地区的野生动物。许多动物来到湖中寻找水源,因此这个营地位于一个特权观察点。 此外,这个地区是12月至4月发生的大迁徙的主要背景,五大移民访问该地区。该营地每年都会在该地区的不同地方设立,以确保您始终拥有最好的地方,从自己的帐篷中欣赏这一令人印象深刻的奇观。

  5. D5: 塞伦盖蒂国家公园-Senerora(Serengeti National Park)

    After breakfast at the camp, pack your lunch for the day and embark on a full day safari in the Serengeti. Today we're going to have a full day of safari sightseeing. The Serengeti is arguably the world's most famous wildlife sanctuary, covering 15,000 square kilometres and home to three million large mammals. More than 35 species of plains animals have been found here - including zebras, wildebeests, oryx and giraffes. Follow the guide on a full day safari in search of migrating wildebeest and zebra herds. The guide will choose a safe spot to arrange an outdoor lunch, continue the safari in the afternoon, and return to the hotel for dinner break in the evening.

    There are also the "African five" elephants, lions, buffaloes, jaguars and rhinos of the East African savannah. It is also the site of one of nature's most spectacular spectacles, the annual migration of wildebeest. Starting around June, more than a million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles head for Kenya's Masai Mara in search of new pastures. They are followed by predators: African lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, jackals, coyotes and vultures. In addition to these land animals, the Serengeti National Park is also home to more than 500 species of birds.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Hotel Restaurant)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  6. D6: 塞伦盖蒂国家公园-Senerora(Serengeti National Park) - 阿鲁沙(Arusha)

    Today, after breakfast, we were on our way to the airport for a final Safari. Then take a small plane back to Arusha. Our driver picked us up and went on a horse safari.

    Accommodation : Kibo Palace Hotel (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Farewell Dinner)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Kibo Palace Hotel酒店以非洲最高峰乞力马扎罗山的最高峰命名,是阿鲁沙最令人兴奋和最具创新性的豪华酒店之一。现代、导电、不落俗套,以崭新姿态打造豪华酒店。酒店地理位置优越,距离乞力马扎罗机场 45 分钟车程,步行 10 分钟即可到达中央商务区。银行和医院设施都在酒店半径50米以内。

  7. D7: 阿鲁沙(Arusha);返程或继续延展行程

    After breakfast, head to the Coffee Estate for a coffee tour. After the end, you will be sent to Kilimanjaro Airport to complete the check-in procedure for return.

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Home-cooked Cuisine)

Route Type 游猎 自然生境 全球国家公园系列

Route Code4EC-1C6-885

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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