Peru INCA 1D Adventure 10D

强度 1星

秘鲁(Peru),这里曾经演绎了印加文明的繁荣,在经历了西班牙殖民时期的影响,这个倚靠安第斯山脉(Andes)的国家神奇地结合了古印加的神秘与欧洲的风情,自成一格。从首都利马(Lima)开始旅程,欣赏这里西班牙风情的殖民建筑,在前往普诺(Puno)的途中,领略高原风光。乘坐Titicaca高原专列,欣赏安第斯山脉极致风光,拜访乌鲁斯人(Uros),这个因漂浮的小岛而闻名于世的地方,参观托托拉芦苇(Totora)的房屋,与当地人近距离接触来度过奇妙的一天。1天的印加古道(Inca Trail),徒步最精华路段,二次深入天空之城马丘比丘(Machu Picchu),感受古道600年的沧桑历史,见证无尽的自然奇观。我们还将继续游走在曾经的秘鲁首都库斯科的大街小巷中,参观修道院、军事基地等历史的产物,感受印加文化带来的视觉震撼。

  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达利马(Lima)

    You will receive assistance during the night at Jorge Chávez International Airport of Lima by an English speaking representative.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    “通过机场连廊就可以到达酒店,十分方便” “早餐还不错,员工很热情礼貌,非常便于乘坐早晨航班和很晚到达的航班。”

  2. D2: 利马(Lima) - 阿雷基帕(Arequipa)

    A representative will assist you at the Hotel in order you can take your flight to Arequipa.

    A representative will assist you along the way. Once you land in Arequipa, a transportation service will take you to your hotel. Then, a representative informs you about the attractions and services the city has to offer. During the morning, you will be transferred from your hotel to the Carmen Alto Viewpoint. Here you will start the tour, from where you will have a panoramic view of the city. Continue to the exclusive and traditional neighbourhood of Yanahuara, surrounded by archaeological remains and where one of the flagship churches of the cusqueña mestizo art, built in 1750, is located. From there, you will be transferred to the center of the city to visit the Main Square (undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the country) the Compañía de Jesús Church (1590), the Cathedral (built in the seventeenth century and rebuilt after several earthquakes) and the Santa Catalina Monastery, built in 1579, which is an authentic cloister.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  3. D3: 阿雷基帕(Arequipa) - 普诺(Puno)

    Bus ride to Puno along the landscapes of the highland plateau, which is dotted by sparse Andean villages and herds of llamas and vicuñas. You will be picked up and taken to and from the restaurant at the agreed time.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  4. D4: 普诺(Puno) - 浮岛(Floating Islands) - 塔基利岛(Taquile Island) - 普诺(Puno)

    Motor-boat excursion on Lake Titicaca to visit the most interesting and unique floating islands of the Uros.The Uros are an ancient culture that inhabits a series of artificial islands built on the basis of reeds growing in the lake itself. These are constructed by weaving reed in the areas where it grows thicker and thus forming a natural layer. Over it they also build their houses. Then visit Taquile Island, which is inhabited by quechua speaking natives who have over the generations developed both an efficient and original social system and a fine handweaving technique. Enjoy lunch and before returning to Puno, proceed to Llachon to see how the natives sow and harvest their products.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  5. D5: 普诺(Puno) - 库斯科(Cusco)

    A transportation service will pick you up from your hotel at the established time and you will be transferred to Train station, where you will be assisted by a representative.

    Titicaca train Puno to Cusco.

    A transportation service will wait for your arrival at the train station and will transfer you to the hotel.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  6. D6: 库斯科(Cusco) - 印加古道(Inca Trail) - 马丘比丘(Machu Pichu) - 温泉镇(Aguas Calientes)

    We pick you up early in the morning from your hotel and drive you to the train station to board the train that will take us to km. 104 (the starting point of the hike). After crossing the suspension bridge over the Urubamba River we visit the archaeological site of Chachabamba (2,150m / 7,052ft). From here, we will hike upwards for about 8km (approximately 4 hours) and get to the magnificent archaeological site of Wiñayhuayna (2,700m), an impressive complex made up of an agricultural center with numerous terraces, a religious sector as well as an urban sector. On the way we will appreciate the vegetation of the forest. After having the box lunch we will continue for about one hour further onto 'Inti Punku' (The 'Sun gate') at 2,730m (8,792ft), from where you will have your first dramatic and impressive view of Machu Picchu (2,430m / 7,972ft). As we are going down, we will take a side path off the trail to take a bus that transports us to Aguas Calientes where you will check into your accommodation.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  7. D7: 温泉镇(Aguas Calientes) - 马丘比丘(Machu Pichu) - 库斯科(Cusco)

    After an early breakfast we will take the bus back up to Machu Picchu. A walking tour is given by a guide through the different sectors of this great Inca legacy, considered Cultural Heritage. In the afternoon, we will take a bus to Aguas Calientes for lunch and then board the train back to Cusco. Level: Moderate Maximum altitude: Inti Punku 9005 feet | 2745 600 m a.s.l. Walking distance: 11 km - 6,83 miles Enjoy a delicious lunch at Cafe Inkaterra.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +600/-600 meters

    Highest Altitude : 2745 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  8. D8: 库斯科(Cusco) - 彩虹山(Vinicunca) - 库斯科(Cusco)

    Pick up from the hotel at 5:00 am to leave towards of Quesoyuni. Visit Japura on the way, a small Andean community and have breakfast there. Hike towards Kairawiri, starting point of the trek to the impressive 7-Colour Mountain. Enjoy the natural spectacle that you have in front as well as the mposing mountains that also fill the landscape with colour. After the visit of between 30 and 45 minutes head down to Kairawiri to have a box lunch. Return by bus to Cusco and transfer to the hotel.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  9. D9: 库斯科(Cusco)

    Enjoy a guided tour of this charming city, which was the capital of the Inca Empire. The tour starts with a visit to Santo Domingo Convent, a large Renaissance-baroque complex, which was built over the Inca Coricancha temple. It was one of the most important temples dedicated to worshipping of the sun, and its foundations are still prominent at the base of the convent. Ancient chronicles say the temple was covered in gold leaf and filled with golden representations of nature. Then, visit the Cathedral, the most imposing monument of the Main Square. Head to the hills above Cusco to visit the remains of the fortress of Sacsayhuaman, whose imposing ramparts offer a stunning panoramic view of Cusco, and the ruins of the temple and amphitheatre of Qenqo, where it is believed the Incas practised agricultural rituals. Admire Qenqo and then finally visit Puka Pukara (Red fortress in Quechua) an Inca military complex located on a prominent hill. Its dwellings squares, bathrooms, aqueducts, walls, and towers can still be appreciated. Afterwards, return to your hotel

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  10. D10: 库斯科(Cusco) - 利马(Lima);返程或继续延展行程

    Enjoy a pleasant transfer from the selected hotel to the airport. A representative will assist you along the way in Cusco.

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type 人文户外

Route CodePEADV1

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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