Patagonia Classic Trekking 11D

强度 3星

在地球的另外一面,在遥远的南美洲之南,有一片神奇的高原,依然保持着空旷与寒冷,这就是巴塔哥尼亚(Patagonia)。这里是地球的“边陲”,有着巨大的冰川、壮美的湖泊、冒烟的火山、陡峭的塔峰、繁密的森林和特有的动物,代表最原始的大自然。塞罗恐怖峰(Cerro Terro)和菲兹罗伊峰(Fitz Royf)近乎笔直的峭壁、直插云霄的山顶,好似两把利刃置于天地之间;百内三塔三根高达2800米花岗岩柱巍然屹立,遥相呼应着号角山的尖削山峰,展示着大自然的鬼斧神工。法国谷(Valle Francés)和格雷峡谷(Gray Canyon)汇聚了高挂的冰川、陡峭的岩壁和湛蓝的湖泊,向世人彰显着小中见大的神奇。著名的莫雷诺冰川(Glaciar Perito Moreno)更是不得不到的地方,一块块巨大的冰块从冰川上掉落沉入阿根廷湖,好像一声声震耳欲聋的响声让我们屏息凝注。


  • 行程安排
  • 排期日期
  1. 第1天:到达圣地亚哥(Santiago de Chile)


    Accommodation : Hotel in Santiago de Chile

  2. D2: 圣地亚哥(Santiago de Chile) - 蓬塔阿雷纳斯(Punta Arenas)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast

    Trekking Time : 2-3 hours

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  3. D3: 百内国家公园(Torres del Paine National Park)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  4. D4: 百内国家公园(Torres del Paine National Park)

    Early in the morning depart to Torres del Paine National Park. Once arrived at Hotel Grey we will take the boat and after 45 min of navigation by the glacial lake dodging icebergs we will arrive to Refugio Grey, which is tucked away in a small valley in a wooded area that is protected from the wind. Start our trekking to the Grey Glacier viewpoint. Here you will be able to experience the wind coming off the Southern Ice Field and see both the ice field and Glacier Grey! Return to Refugio to have lunch During the afternoon we will continue our hike to Refugio Paine Grande stopping at the most important viewpoints to immortalize with our camera, the most beautiful landscapes of the Eighth wonder of the world. Accommodation in Paine Grande camping area. (6 hours, 17 km)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Picnic)

    Trekking Distance : 17 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 6-7 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : 700 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  5. D5: 百内国家公园(Torres del Paine National Park)


    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Picnic)

    Trekking Distance : 20 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 7-8 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +1000/-1000 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  6. D6: 百内国家公园(Torres del Paine National Park)


    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Supper (Buffet)

    Trekking Distance : 18 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 7-8 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +800/-800 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  7. D7: 潘帕斯草原(Pampas Steppe) - 埃尔卡拉法特(El Calafate)


    Visit the Estancia with option of activities (not included). Later transfer over the argentinian border and drive to El Calafate (200 km). Arrive in El Calafate, check-in in our hotel and free time to relax and find a good restaurant to have dinner. Night in hotel.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  8. D8: 埃尔卡拉法特(El Calafate) - 冰川国家公园(Glacier National Park) - 查尔腾镇(El Chalten)
    The tour begins departing from the hotel with ground transportation. The 80 kilometers that separate El Calafate from the Perito Moreno Glacier will be covered. Throughout the  journey, a guide will provide a comprehensive explanation of the area and its glaciers, with various stops at panoramic points within the National Park and a visit to the walkways, the
    culminating panoramic point. The route from El Calafate to the glacier is a succession of lakes, streams, forests and snow-capped mountains. Upon reaching the end of the route, we arrive at the western end of the Magallanes Peninsula, from where we will begin the walk along the walkways that have a total length of 3 km. They are at different levels and allow you to contemplate the glacier from different perspectives and balconies. They will have time to walk along the walkways and contemplate the Perito Moreno glacier from in front. Depending on their physical conditions, they can reach the lowest balconies closest to the glacier or remain on the first balconies that are easily accessible to anyone. Once the circuit is finished, you return to El Calafate. Since the 2011 season, an elevator has been installed to facilitate access for people with reduced mobility to the first balcony from which there is a spectacular view. Those who wish to navigate the southern wall of the glacier can do so on a complementary excursion not included called Nautical Safari that lasts approximately one hour.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  9. D9: 查尔腾镇(El Chalten) - 冰川湾国家公园(Laguna de los Tres) - 查尔腾镇(El Chalten)

    This trekking circuit is considered the main one on the area, being one of the most attractive and shocking on the area because it leads us on the base of mount Fitz Roy. Between 07:30 and 09:00 (Schedule to be reviewed and 
    informed the previous day); our guide with the driver picks the passengers to take us to the starting point of the trail, which is located at 18 kms from El Chalten (estimated time of 30/40 minutes in bus). As soon as we leave the town, from inside the vehicle we will begin to amaze of the Andean landscape, with the astonishing valley of Rio de las Vueltas on the right side, and in parts of the road the walls of Fitz Roy are already on sight. When arriving trough, the route to Rio Blanco (White River), where the activity begins, we introduce ourselves into a forest populated with Lengas (beech trees) and Ñires, with soft unevenness, and only after one hour of walking, arrive to the first lookout point, which surprises us with a privileged view to Glaciar de Piedras Blancas (White Stone Glacier). After this stop and have taken photographs, at about 45 more minutes Poincenot camping area is 
    encountered, where surely tents of trekkers of all nationalities can be found. Then, very close, the river is crossed through a hanging bridge, with the intention of arriving to the “Rio Blanco” base camp, which is solely used by climbers. Here, there is also a shelter made of logs constructed by the National Park Rangers, with the intention of aiding travelers under rough weather. From this point, those with moreenergy, the guide will lead them to the Laguna de Los Tres lookout point, which, starting from Rio Blanco is 500 meters of unevenness in 1 hour trekking. From said lookout point we can enjoy a privileged view of the Fitz Roy massif, the lagoon, and their glaciers. On a short distance, can also be appreciated a stunning view of Laguna Sucia (Dirty Lagoon). After enjoying lunch there, we head back to El Chalten through the Laguna Capri lookout point trail section. Approximately between 17:00 and 18:00 should be back in town or the hotel

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    Trekking Distance : 23 kilometers

    Trekking Time : more than 8 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +1200 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  10. D10: 查尔腾镇(El Chalten) - 埃尔卡拉法特(El Calafate) - 布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)

    Along with the Fitz Roy, this is the other most important trekking on the area, which ands with a stunning view to one of the most difficult to climb mountains in the world, 
    the Cerro Torre (Mount Torre). The trail starts from the town itself, with a gentle slope in the first few minutes, always walking along the course of the Fitz Roy River. After 20 minutes of walking, amazes us to see the Canyon of the Fitz Roy River and behold beautiful bodies of water suck as Cascada Margarita (Margarita Cascade). From here, we get to see delightful sight of the Cerro Torre. Right after, we reach the first lookout point which is ideal to make a first resting stop (at only 01:30 hrs. from El Chalten), and contemplate, besides Cerro Torre, its glaciers 
    and Cordon de las Adelas. If you return to El Chalten through this lookout point, it will be a 3-hour hike, ideal for passengers or groups looking for short duration activities. After this, we walk by (around 1 more hour) a beautiful valley, with little undulations, until reaching De Agostini Base Camp, where surely the elite of hikers and climbers from all around the world will be met, waiting to climb Cerro Torre. We keep hiking for a few more minutes, under the intention of reaching Laguna Torre, with a magnificent view of the mount of the same name, flanked by the Egger, Standhardt and Bifida pointers,

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    Trekking Distance : 18 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 6-7 hours

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  11. D11: 布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires);返程或继续延展行程


    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Date of departureDate of return

Route Type 徒步

Route CodePATRK1

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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