Oceania Chaya Peak 8D

强度 4星

“查亚峰”在印尼语中其实是“胜利之峰”的意思。查亚峰海拔4884米,是大洋洲最高的山峰,同时也是世界上最高的岛屿山峰。锯齿状的石灰岩山脊和陡峭岩壁,长期封闭的神秘,潮湿多雨的气候,都使查亚峰成为一座令登山者梦寐以求又较难问顶的山峰。查亚峰在七大洲最高峰中被列为最高技术等级,攀登难度较高,需要翻越 “铜墙铁壁”,高空走钢索,滑绳索,飞渡裂谷。成功登顶了查亚峰,您就是名副其实的“高山飞人”。极限挑战,精彩刺激。


  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达帝米加(Timika)

    For your convenience and to ensure the smooth running of your trip, we recommend that you choose a flight that arrives early in the morning

    Take an international flight to Dimiga Airport. A BM professional team leader will meet you at the airport and escort you to your local hotel. We will hold a welcome ceremony and a pre-trip meeting to make the overall explanation and scheduling of the climbing trip, the division of labor, inspection and replenishment of equipment. The yearning and dream of Jaya Peak will be realized from tomorrow. Get a good night's rest and then BM will join you on your journey.

    Suggested flights: Bali - Dimiga 01:25-06:00am There is only one daily flight to Dimiga

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  2. D2: 帝米加(Timika) - 查亚峰大本营(Yellow Valley Base Camp)

    After registering for the climb, we will take a chartered helicopter to the Yellow Valley Base Camp (4,250m above sea level) to enjoy the view of Jaya Peak from multiple angles. (The weather conditions of Jaya Peak and helicopter flying conditions are key factors in determining the length of this climb). Because we jumped from 20 meters above sea level to 4250 meters above sea level in 30 minutes by helicopter, the rapid change of altitude in a short time will more or less cause us to have altitude sickness, so today we will spend a day to adapt to the altitude and base camp environment. We'll have a special lunch and dinner and camp overnight at base camp.

    Accommodation : Yellow Valley Base CampTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    Highest Altitude : 4250 meters

  3. D3: 查亚峰大本营(Yellow Valley Base Camp)

    Today we will do our adaptive training, first walking around the base camp, up to the middle ridge, along the way can look at the steep cliffs in the distance. Due to the high technical requirements of Jaya Peak, in order to ensure tomorrow's summit, we will also conduct climbing training, training on ropes, and practice using ascenders and downhill. The night was spent camping at the Big Ben camp. (Jaya Peak is located near the equator, the rainfall is large, such as due to weather reasons can not go up the mountain for adaptive training, that is, at the base camp to adapt to the altitude, supplement physical strength, check equipment)

    Accommodation : Yellow Valley Base CampTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    Highest Altitude : 4250 meters

  4. D4: 查亚峰大本营(Yellow Valley Base Camp) - 查亚峰顶峰(Summit of Punka Jaya) - 查亚峰大本营(Yellow Valley Base Camp)

    Today is the most challenging day of the summit, we will accept the "baptism of the rock", over the "bronze wall of iron", high-altitude walking wire ropes, sliding ropes, become a "mountain flying man". The first half of the climb is mainly rock climbing, walking along the ridge and then climbing over the hard rock wall about 500 meters high; After the most challenging section - more than 50 meters long straight wall, is the legendary "Chaya peak second step" (" copper wall iron wall "), nearly 90 degrees of vertical rock wall similar to the north side of Mount Qomolangma the most difficult to climb the second step; Climb steep rock faces, cross small peaks by cable, and fix ropes to "fly" across rift valleys using rapids and ascenders. We've reached the summit of Jaya. We've finally reached the summit. We then descended with a fixed rope, followed a steep ridge, passed through four rifts, climbed several times with ascenders and abseiled before returning to base camp and summiting Jaya.

    Accommodation : Yellow Valley Base CampTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    Trekking Time : more than 8 hours

    Highest Altitude : 4884 meters

  5. D5: 查亚峰大本营(Yellow Valley Base Camp) - 帝米加(Timika)

    After breakfast, we take the helicopter back to Dimiga (the weather conditions at the base camp and the flying conditions of the helicopter are key factors in determining the length of the journey). It's time for everyone to celebrate. We held a summit success celebration dinner, received the Jaya Mountain climbing certificate, celebrated the success of the summit, and commemorated the wonderful moment of climbing the peak.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  6. D6: 帝米加(Timika)

    These two days are the necessary spare days, used as helicopter flight spare days, summit spare days, so that we can adapt to the altitude and adjust fitness, or to avoid bad weather. If all goes well, we will have two days more time to taste the local specialties, enjoy the Indonesian SPA, to enjoy the Indonesian style; If you have extra time and are interested in visiting Lorentz National Park (the largest national park in Southeast Asia and a World Natural Heritage Site), the tour leaders will be happy to offer some suggestions (at your own expense). (Note: Sometimes more than 2 days are required, depending on actual conditions/weather conditions)

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

  7. D7: 帝米加(Timika)

    These two days are the necessary spare days, used as helicopter flight spare days, summit spare days, so that we can adapt to the altitude and adjust fitness, or to avoid bad weather. If all goes well, we will have two days more time to taste the local specialties, enjoy the Indonesian SPA, to enjoy the Indonesian style; If you have extra time and are interested in visiting Lorentz National Park (the largest national park in Southeast Asia and a World Natural Heritage Site), the tour leaders will be happy to offer some suggestions (at your own expense). (Note: Sometimes more than 2 days are required, depending on actual conditions/weather conditions)

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

  8. D8: 帝米加(Timika);返程或继续延展行程

    After breakfast, transfer to the airport of Dimiga and return to China to finish the tour of the highest peak in Oceania.

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type 登山


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