强度 1星



  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达亚的斯亚贝巴(Addis Abeba) - 金卡镇(Jinka) - 图尔米(Turmi)

    The plane lands at Addis Ababa airport, where you will be met by your leader and transferred together to the tribal areas in the south, where you will land in the town of Jinka. After lunch, we headed to Key Afer via the small town of Woyto. If Arba Minch is a gateway into the mysterious jungle of the South, Turmi is a hub into the jungle's primitive tribes.

    According to the schedule, after exploring the Conso Highlands, we will enter the enthusiastic Hamer people, the girls love to decorate the red mud braids with colored shell beads. The area is most famous for the boys' bar mitzvah. They have to jump four cow backs in a row, and if they don't fall off, they are adults. As part of the ritual, Hamel women perform the traditional dance Evangadi while blowing a horn and inviting the boy's friends to whip them, the more and deeper the scars on their bodies, the more proud they are. The bull bar mitzvah is a rare occasion.

    Note: Highly recommended to choose Ethiopian Airlines international flights, can be equipped with the same airline inland section tickets to enjoy the price discount.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Lunch (Hotel Restaurant); Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  2. D2: 达桑内科部落(Dassenech) - 图尔米(Turmi)

    Early in the morning we will travel along the Omo River to the Dassenech tribe on Ethiopia's border with Kenya. Legend has it that Zheng He left some of his crew in Africa during his voyages, so some of the indigenous people here have a distinctly Asian look. Back at Turmi for lunch, today is also entirely reserved for the tribe, a little more chance to encounter the rituals of the ancient tradition. There is an unwritten rule in the tribe that the women of the tribe have no right to face-to-face contact with outsiders without the permission of the chief.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  3. D3: 卡洛部落(Karo) - 图尔米(Turmi)

    Of all the indigenous peoples of the Omo Valley, our morning trip will be to the Karo tribe, known for the most elaborate and intricate totems of the face and body. After lunch, visit the Bena clan who are good at singing and dancing. They have flowing clothes, love to paint their bodies in white chalk, and wear elaborate ornaments - colored mud hats with feathers for men, beaded heads with butter.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  4. D4: 马果国家公园(Mago National Park) - 亚的斯亚贝巴(Addis Abeba) - 默克莱(Mekele)

    In the morning we will head to Mago National Park and visit the Mursi, the most famous nomadic tribe in southern Ethiopia. Tribal women have a unique "lip plate" decoration, with deformed lips for beauty, no lip plate women find it difficult to find an ideal husband. When girls reach their teens, they remove their lower jaw teeth, penetrate their lower lip, and enlarge their lips with a clay lip plate. Therefore, it is also called "labial-disc family". However, under the impact of the current trend of globalization, more and more tribal women have begun to choose to abandon the traditional lip decoration style. The men of the tribe were known for their warlike prowess and were keen on the competitive sport of Donga. After visiting the Mosi, according to the flight time, transfer back to Addis Ababa airport in the afternoon, transfer to the north to start the volcano tour.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  5. D5: 默克莱(Mekele) - 达洛尔(Dalol)

    Head out into the morning sun on an off-road vehicle to Dallol, a magical land in the Danakil desert. One of the lowest, hottest, and most inhospitable places on Earth. The harsh natural environment breeds a unique landscape that gives you the experience of the "Doomsday battlefield" in Hollywood movies: during the day, the heat is scorching, and you walk through the bizarre and colorful saline fields, where the lava flowing out of the wetland underground brings yellow sulfur, red iron oxide and white salt crystals to give it a thrilling color. Between the sulphur lakes, which the local Afar people call "coral clusters on dry land," hot springs can be heard bubbling underground.

    In the evening, watch the sunset shine on the crystal salt flats, and the Lake Asale is also a pale golden light. Sleep under the stars at night and enjoy the nature of the sky.

    Accommodation : DalolTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper (Camp Meal)

  6. D6: 达洛尔(Dalol) - 艾塔阿雷火山(Erta Ale)

    In the early morning, we will hike through the desert and have lunch at the base Dodom. After about six hours' drive, you will arrive at the foot of the Erta Ale volcano at around 6pm. When the temperature drops, they start to head for the top of the volcano. Along the way you will see many small wild animals unique to Africa. When we reach the crater, we will witness what the BBC calls the "Gates of Hell". Lava lakes are churning, heat is boiling, magma is grunting. There are only six permanently active lava lakes left in the world.

    Accommodation : Erta AleTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Distance : 10 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 1-2 hours

  7. D7: 艾塔阿雷火山(Erta Ale) - 默克莱(Mekele)

    At five o 'clock in the morning, in the light of dawn, today we will visit the traditional process of salt extraction by Afar workers, and it is worth mentioning that the local tribes have been harvesting salt for thousands of years. They cut the hard, fragile blocks of salt into a neat shape so that they would survive long distances. Today, salt bearers continue to trek day after day on the same trails that camels have trodden for centuries, and the way they collect and carry salt has hardly changed. If we are lucky, we will also see the vast desert, camel bells jingling, camel caravans slowly transporting salt bricks. Then return to Mekele.

    Accommodation : Hotel in Mekele

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch

    Trekking Distance : 15 kilometers

  8. D8: 默克莱(Mekele) - 拉利贝拉(Lalibela)

    Today will be a hard day, we drive back to Lalibela, but the scenery does not let us down, winding our way out of the mountains, passing through the range of Mount Semen, which is a natural paradise for countless outdoor lovers. Along the way, we visited local homes and encountered the simple culture.

    Finally, arrive at the "New Jerusalem" full of faith and glory, and the "African miracle" Lalibela, and visit the church group according to the time.

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

  9. D9: 拉利贝拉(Lalibela)

    After breakfast, we will head to the Yimrhanne Kirstos monastery, about 40km from Lalibela, which was built in 1087 and where holy water was said to cure pilgrims in the Middle Ages. Hiking up the hill, the river gurgling along the road, to the cave is also the entrance to the church. From olive-wood doors to faded paintings, from Axumite crosses to walls and roofs carved with biblical stories, the monastery's architectural design is ancient and mysterious, full of symbols and legends that are exotic.

    In the afternoon, back to the church group, the ancient road winding, religious, mysterious stone walls, built in the 12th century by King Laribela in this rock wonder, spanning nearly a thousand years of history. The Zaghvi dynasty in the 12th century tried to chisel a new holy city in a piece of red volcanic rock, which is different from Petra just extending inward on the surface of the stone, but from the complete giant rock without cracks, cut deep trenches on all sides, so that it is completely separated from the mountain, and little by little create walls, cloisters, altars, roofs... Forming rooms and Spaces, carving them out, and finally creating a complete church.

    Accommodation : Hotel in Lalibela

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper (Hotel Restaurant)

  10. D10: 拉利贝拉(Lalibela) - 亚的斯亚贝巴(Addis Abeba);返程或继续延展行程

    Take the morning flight back to Addis Ababa and spend the rest of the day visiting the National Museum, sampling the specialities and walking around the colourful market, depending on your flight. Evening transfer to the airport to end a pleasant and memorable trip to the Horn of East Africa.

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type 徒步 人文户外

Route CodeETHMUL-A01

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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