[COPIED] 33 Peru ANDES Trekking Classic 14D

强度 4星


  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达利马(Lima)


    Transfer from the airport to the hotel in Lima city center.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  2. D2: 利马(Lima) - 库斯科(Cusco)

    DAY 2: FLIGHT LIMA – CUZCO. CUZCO CITY TOUR (B,L)Tambomachay (Inca Baths)

    Transfer from our hotel to Lima airport. Flight to Cuzco, the ancient capital of the Incas.

    Arrive, check-in our hotel. After check-in we will start our tour visiting some archaeological

    sites in the outskirts of Cusco: , Puca Pucara (Red Fortress), Q’enqo

    (ceremonial cult center) and finally Sacsayhuaman, that is located in a hill near Cuzco. Explore

    the impressive inca fortress that is divided in different levels. After the visit time for lunch.

    During the afternoon enjoy free time explore the city center: visiting the Main Square (Plaza

    de Armas), the Catedral and the Sun Temple (Koricancha) with its traditional mixture of

    spanish and inca architecture. Night in Cuzco

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  3. D3: 库斯科(Cusco) - 奥扬泰坦博(Ollantaytambo)


    08:00 h. Our tour starts right at your hotel in Cusco, our guides will pick you up from there.

    The beauty of the landscapes through this route involve amazing snowy mountains and

    colorful agriculture fields. Our first visit takes place at the small town of Chinchero, which is

    located 30 Kms away from the center of Cusco. Once there, we will visit the highlights of

    Chinchero, such as the Inca Ruins at its main plaza and the textile community. In Chinchero

    the Inca ordered the construction of many aqueducts and terraces, many of them still in use

    today. The most striking remnant of this Inca period is Marasthe massive stone wall with

    trapezoidal niches perfectly preserved. In addition, we will also visit a little colonial church,

    which was built over the foundations of an Inca palace. Later on, we head towards the archaeological zone of Moray.

    Moray owes its reputation due to a series of gigantic circular

    terraces, which were probably used as amphitheaters. On the other hand, others believe

    Moray was a sort of agricultural greenhouses, used to increase types of crops. Researchers

    believe each level offered different climatic conditions that allowed Inca farmers to sow

    different tubers. The next stop will be the Salt Mines of Maras, located a few kilometers

    away. As soon as we get in Maras, you will enjoy spectacular views from above, while our

    vehicle descent into the valley. Once at the site, we will walk around the pools and will

    learn how Andean descendants extract the salt. Finally we will leave in the direction of

    the Ruins of Ollantaytambo. Ollantaytambo is undoubtedly one of the greatest architectural

    legacies of ancient Peru. According to history, it was used as a fortress by the Inca

    resistance, against the conquerors. Here we visit the most important sectors with our local

    guide and enjoy breathtaking views. Night in Ollanta ytambo.

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch

  4. D4: 奥扬泰坦博(Ollantaytambo) - 印加古道(Inca Trail)


    Around 7 AM, we will take the famous train to Aguas Calientes. After 1h30 train ride crossing

    a deep andean cloudforest we will descend at KM104, the starting point of our trek. After

    crossing the Urubamba river on a footbridge, we check in with park rangers at the control

    point, then continue our hike to the archaeological site of Chachabamba, with an elevation of

    2150m. From here we ascend a hill for about 2 hours until we reach a beautiful secluded

    waterfall and in a few more minutes, will arrive at the fascinating archaeological site of

    Wiñaywayna (2650 m). After exploring the ancient ruins, we’ll continue hiking through the

    semitropical cloud forest area, until we cross over the Intipunku (The Sun Gate) to get our

    first glimpse of Machu Picchu. Arrive in Machu Picchu after a short hike down (about 45

    minutes). Once in the main archeological complex we will have 2 hours guided tour

    approximately, being able to visit: the Main Square, the circular tower, the Sacred Solar Clock,

    the Royal Room and the Temple of the three Windows. After the tour, you will have some

    time to explore on your own. After the visit, you will take the bus down to Aguas Calientes,

    for board the train back Ollantaytambo, where we will pick you up from the train station and

    transfer you to your hotel in C usco (arriving after midnight). Night in Cuzco.

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    Trekking Distance : 9.3 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

  5. D5: 维内维纳(Wiayhuayna) - 马丘比丘(Machu Pichu) - 温泉镇(Aguas Calientes)


    We will pick you up between 7:30-8AM. Then we are going to set out on a drive through the

    South Valley. The drive takes around 3 hours to get Hanchipacha community where we are

    going to stop for breakfast. After that we are going to drive you 15 minutes more to

    Quesiuno community (4326 m), where we are going to start with the trekking of 3 hours

    approx. long to the rainbow mountain (most of the way is going up). In the way up we are

    going to be able to enjoy amazing landscapes of herds of alpacas and llamas, the Ausangate

    Mountain, many red mountains and traditional local houses. When we finally reach our goal

    the Rainbow Mountains (5020 m) you will have time to explore the area and take pictures.

    We will spend approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour (depend of your trekking speed and

    weather conditions). After the amazing view of the landscapes on the top we are going to

    down to the begi nning of our trekking point, that take 2 hours approx. (Quesiuno

    community) where we are going to take our transportation to Hanchipacha community to

    have lunch. In the afternoon drive back to Cuzco

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    Trekking Time : 3-4 hours

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  6. D6: 温泉镇(Aguas Calientes) - 彩虹山(Vinicunca) - 库斯科(Cusco)

    Transfer to the airport. Fly to Lima. Arrive at Lima and transfer directly to the bus station to board the bus to Huaraz. 8 hours bus trip to Huaraz. Arrive around 9 PM. Huaraz is located at 3100 m at the food of Cordillera Blanca Range. Transfer to your hotel.

    Meal : Breakfast

    Trekking Distance : 10 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 3-4 hours

  7. D7: 库斯科(Cusco) - 利马(Lima) - 瓦拉斯(Huaraz)

    Departure from Huaraz at 7:00 am, to the south of Callejon de Huaylas on paved road until Chiquian, passing on the way bay Chiquian province, Llamac and Cocpa village until cuartelhuahin camp site at 4200 m. Overnight camp at Cuartelhuain.

    Accommodation : HuarazTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 1-2 hours

  8. D8: 瓦拉斯(Huaraz) - 奇基安(Chiquian) - 拉马克(Llamac) - 夸尔特瓦欣(Cuartelhuain)

    After our breakfast we will start walking up toward Cacananpunta pass at 4700 m, when we just reach it we will be on the continental divide, as well as we will enjoy taken amazing pictures about deep valleys, hills and snowcapped peaks. Then we will descend to our next camp at Jancapampa with amazing view of mount Hirishanca and mount Ninashanca to background. Overnight camp at Mitucocha.Walking time: 5 h.

    Accommodation : CuartelhuainTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +500/-470 meters

  9. D9: 夸尔特瓦欣(Cuartelhuain) - 卡卡南蓬山口(Cacananpunta pass) - 米图科查湖(Mitucocha)

    Today trek is on easy terrain until reach Punta Carhuac pass at (4650m), from this pass we will be able to have breath- taking views of the highest peaks of Huayhuash such as: Yerupaja (6617m) and the famous Siula Grande (6344m), Hirishanca, after that we will start walking down until lake Carhuacocha, which is truly gorgeously place, scenic campsite with astonishing mountain view to the back ground. Overnight camp at Lake Carhuacocha. Walking time: 5 h

    Accommodation : MitucochaTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Distance : 11 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +420/-450 meters

  10. D10: 米图科查湖(Mitucocha) - 卡尔瓦科查湖(Lake Carhuacocha) - 瓦伊瓦什(Huay Huash)

    this day we will enjoy the spectacular sunrise, water lake is reflecting the mountain image after that we will start walking up toward Siula pass where we will enjoy the most fabulous breath-taking views behind of three glacier lakes as Siula, Quesilococha, then we will continue walking down until Huayhuash camping spot at 4330 m. Overnight camp at Huayhuash.Walking time: 7 h.

    Accommodation : Huay HuashTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Distance : 10 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 7-8 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +630/-500 meters

  11. D11: 卡尔瓦科查湖(Lake Carhuacocha) - 西乌拉山口(Siula Pass) - 瓦伊瓦什(Huay Huash)

    We start walking up toward spectacular pass of Portachuelo de Huayhuash, we will see on the way mount Puscanturpa and mount Trapecio, over the pass we will enjoy the view of the Cordillera Raura, and then we will descend towards the largest Lake Viconga until Vigonca camp site. In the afternoon we will be able to enjoy taking shower and swimming in hot spring close our camp site. Walking time: 6 h.

    Accommodation : Huay HuashTent in Camping site

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Camp Meal)

    Trekking Distance : 15 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 6-7 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +420/-320 meters

  12. D12: 瓦伊瓦什(Huay Huash) - 波塔丘埃洛山口(Portachuelo Pass) - 维孔加湖(Lake Viconga)

    DAY 12: VICONGA (4430 M) – PORTACHUELO DE VICONGA (4800 M) – SURASACA (4320 M) -


    Our last trekking day begins with the climb to the Portachuelo de Viconga Pass (4800 m),

    where we will have a wide panorama over the Raura Range and the southern summits of

    Huayhuash. Descent the other side to Surasaca Lake (4320 m and 4 hours walking from

    Viconga). From Surasaca 8 hours driving to Lima crossing the village of Churin. Transfer

    directly to Lima. Night in hotel

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    Trekking Distance : 12 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 4-5 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +370/-480 meters

  13. D13: 维孔加湖(Lake Viconga) - 维康加山口(Portachuelo de Viconga) - 苏拉萨卡(Surasaca) - 利马(Lima)


    After breakfast transfer to the airport.

    Meal : Breakfast

    Trekking Distance : 10 kilometers

  14. D14: 利马(Lima);返程或继续延展行程

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type 徒步

Route Code62E-PETRK2

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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