Arctic Cruising de Spitsbergen 10D

强度 1星

北极之旅,让我们一同领略这极寒之地的自然风光和动物世界。首先乘坐航班到达采矿小镇朗伊尔城登船,顺便参观当地的教堂和极地博物馆;下午起航到Krossfjorden,乘坐冲锋艇巡游,在冰川山坡上观赏各色花朵和建在峭壁上的鸟巢以及北极狐;接着来到世界最北的定居地Ny Ålesund,在这里有世界最北端的铁路,可以寻觅北极探险家阿蒙森和诺贝尔的足迹;乘坐冲锋艇巡游于摩纳哥冰川,领略上千三指鸥聚在一起觅食的美景和北极熊的身影;接着到达此次行程最北端的Phippsøya,这里也是北极熊,海象和三趾鸥的栖息地;驶入Hinlopen Strait,让我们一起去找寻蓝鲸、麋鹿和海象的身影;紧接着我们在Van Keulenfjorden峡湾开口处的Ahlstrandhalvøya登陆,在这里我们或许可以看到一群白鲸;最后我们返航至朗伊尔城。让我们在一片圣洁的雪原上,淋漓尽致地享受自由,享受自我。让一场北极之旅,纯净如梦,酣畅如梦,消逝如梦。

  • 行程安排
  1. 第1天:到达朗伊尔城(Longyearbyen)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  2. D2: 朗伊尔城(Longyearbyen) - Krossfjorden(Krossfjorden)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  3. D3: Krossfjorden(Krossfjorden) - Liefdefjord海峡(Liefdefjord)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  4. D4: Liefdefjord海峡(Liefdefjord)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  5. D5: Liefdefjord海峡(Liefdefjord) - Phippsøya(Phippsøya)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  6. D6: Phippsøya(Phippsøya) - Hinlopen海峡(Hinlopen)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  7. D7: Hinlopen海峡(Hinlopen) - Barentsøya岛(Barentsøya island)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  8. D8: Barentsøya岛(Barentsøya island) - Hornsund峡湾(Hornsund)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  9. D9: Hornsund峡湾(Hornsund) - Van Keulenfjorden峡湾(Van Keulenfjorden)

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  10. D10: Van Keulenfjorden峡湾(Van Keulenfjorden) - 朗伊尔城(Longyearbyen);返程或继续延展行程

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type 自然博物

Route CodeARCCSPG1

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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