Three-River-Source National Park – Lancang River Source 7D

Duration7 Days
Difficulty 1 star
Zadoi, known as the hometown of the Cordyceps fungus (caterpillar fungus), is situated in Yushu Prefecture and is the first county at the source of the mighty Lancang River. Southeast of Zadoi is the breathtaking Angsai Grand Canyon, with its stunning red sandstone landscapes, lush river valley, and expansive grasslands. Given the high likelihood of spotting snow leopards in the canyon, it's also affectionately referred to as the "Valley of the Cats." Come winter, as temperatures drop and rivers freeze, animals tend to migrate to lower altitudes, providing a good opportunity for wildlife enthusiasts keen on observation.
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Travis Winn

▪出生于漂流之家,与父亲两代人专注于中国河流的探索共三十年。个人探索并见证中国江河变迁十六年。 ▪具有白水漂流经验二十年,擅长皮划艇、双桨船、排桨船、桨板。 ▪13岁完成美国科罗拉多大峡谷个人皮划艇漂流  ▪16岁进入美国青少年急流皮划艇锦标赛前三名。 ▪2008年,先后把美国奥林匹克皮划艇总教练Silvan Poberaj和副教练Gordon Bare带到长江上游通天河和长江中上游金沙江,感受中国江河之美。 ▪2009年,与北京大学山水自然保护中心共同举办金沙江漂流论坛,与会者包括主流媒体从业人员,科学家、NGO和企业家。同年,获得美国国家地理新闻频道播出关于漂流与河流生态保护的纪录片。该片之前分别在美国的两大纪录片节Wild and Scenic Film Festival 和 Paddling Reels Film Festival播出。 ▪2010年,获得“Finalist in the 2010 Rolex Young Laureates Award Program ”(劳力士国际青年获奖者计划最后27名入围评选)。 ▪从2000年至2015年,主持、参与过中国境内包括长江上游通天河、长江中上游金沙江、怒江、澜沧江、黄河、雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河等自然江河超过8500公里的漂流活动。期间共计带领超过300位中国人探访自己的母亲河——长江上游通天河、长江中上游金沙江、雅砻江、怒江、澜沧江等江河。 ▪2013年,创办中国第一个青少年皮划艇俱乐部,开始向中国的孩子传授漂流技术。 ▪2015年,参与拍摄的纪录片《怒江的春天》进入加拿大班夫国际山地电影节,并于2015-2016年期间在全球40多个国家进行巡展 ▪ 2016年,创办的Last Descents漂流中国机构被邀请参与中国第一个国家公园澜沧江源园区的 规 划,并带领中国第一批国家公园管理人员以漂流的方式了解公园园区的原始风貌 . 2017年,邀请美国乡村乐队来到三江源国家公园与当地藏族传统音乐人们一起举办了中国第

  1. D1: Arrive in Yushu

    All day】: Land in Yushu, head to the hotel and check-in. Adjust to the higher altitude.

    Accommodation : Gesar Wangfu Hotel Yushu (or similar)

    Meal : (On Own); Supper (Welcome Dinner)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Gesar Wangfu Hotel Yushu is a boutique gem under the umbrella of the Hong Kong Grand Prosperity Hotel Group. Their hotels have a unique atmosphere. Spread across 22,000 square meters, the building is blend of of Eastern, Western, and Tibetan architectural styles. Inside, the decor is chic, elegant, and detail-oriented.

  2. D2: Yushu - Tong tian River

    Morning】: Start the day with a rafting trip along the Batang River, providing a unique perspective of the post-earthquake Yushu. It's a great way to get a feel for the rivers in the Tibetan region and soak in the local culture.


    Noon】: After the rafting trip, explore the world's largest collection of Mani stones in Xinzhai Mani Town.

    Transport : 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle (5-6 hours)

    Accommodation : Gesar Wangfu Hotel Yushu (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Feature Lunch)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Gesar Wangfu Hotel Yushu is a boutique gem under the umbrella of the Hong Kong Grand Prosperity Hotel Group. Their hotels have a unique atmosphere. Spread across 22,000 square meters, the building is blend of of Eastern, Western, and Tibetan architectural styles. Inside, the decor is chic, elegant, and detail-oriented.

  3. D3: Yushu - Nang Qian

    All day】: Today, we’ll head to Zadoi, and look for Tibetan foxes and wolves on the journey. After lunch, we'll raft downstream and get a closer look at the source of the Lancang River in the Angsai Grand Canyon. It's going to be quite the adventure!

    Transport : 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle (5-6 hours)

    Accommodation : Shanshui Hotel (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Home-cooked Cuisine)

  4. D4: Gaersi - Nang Qian - Zadoi

    All day】: Safari through the Lancang River Source Region of Three-River-Source National Park! We'll drive into Angsai, see the Eight Holy Mountains and embark on a wildlife safari (the route may shift depending on road conditions, weather, and the seasonal habits of the animals.) Get ready for an adventure!

    Transport : 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle (5-6 hours)

    Accommodation : Zadoi Hotel (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Zadoi Hotel is situated on Tangfan Avenue in the bustling New Town area, the hub of business, culture, shopping, and tourism. With over 60 rooms, each eco-friendly and oxygen-enriched, the hotel guarantees a comfortable and convenient stay for your high-altitude adventure. So, whether you're road-weary or just looking for some modern comfort, Zadoi Hotel has you covered.

  5. D5: Zadoi - Yushu

    All day】: Journey through the Lancang River Source Region: hike through the breathtaking red rock formations and explore the sacred Fotou (Buddha’s head) Mountain. Get ready for a day of adventure!

    Transport : 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle (4-5 hours)

    Accommodation : Gesar Wangfu Hotel Yushu (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Gesar Wangfu Hotel Yushu is a boutique gem under the umbrella of the Hong Kong Grand Prosperity Hotel Group. Their hotels have a unique atmosphere. Spread across 22,000 square meters, the building is blend of of Eastern, Western, and Tibetan architectural styles. Inside, the decor is chic, elegant, and detail-oriented.

  6. D6: Yushu - JiaTang Grassland


    Relax in Yushu, enjoy a solo dinner, or join for a group meal.

    Transport : 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle (6-7 hours)

    Accommodation : Gesar Wangfu Hotel Yushu (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

    Gesar Wangfu Hotel Yushu is a boutique gem under the umbrella of the Hong Kong Grand Prosperity Hotel Group. Their hotels have a unique atmosphere. Spread across 22,000 square meters, the building is blend of of Eastern, Western, and Tibetan architectural styles. Inside, the decor is chic, elegant, and detail-oriented.

  7. D7: Yushu; Departure or Extension Program

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Date of departureDate of return

Route Type Habitat & Life


Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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