Spain NH Andalucia Morocco Adventure Classic 12D

Duration12 Days
Difficulty 2 stars
  • Program Outline
  1. D1: China - Madrid

    Our guide will be waiting for you at the airport to accompany you to the Hotel Cortezo 3 * in Madrid´s city centre. Dinner free of choice and depending on time of arrival

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  2. D2: CabañerosNP

    Breakfast, picnic, dinner. Today we will discover National Park Cabañeros, it has conserved one of the best Spanish Mediterranean forest, Riverbank forest and animal danger of extinction like imperial eagle. After breakfast, we will start our day with a walk along the Estena River or Boquerón route to find some sweet water turtles and see if we can find one of the largest and oldest fossils of the Iberian Peninsula.


    Then, we will have our lunch to the way which make the most of the wonderful natural landscape, picnic. After lunch, we will visit the park with privacy transport 4x4 to discover La Raña of Cabañeros, also called the Serengeti of Spain because of its vast plains and great amount of wildlife to experience.

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  3. D3: Sierra de Andújar - Granada


    Accommodation : Hotel Comfort Dauro 2 (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  4. D4: Granada - Seville

    Breakfast. Today we will leave early morning in the direction of Granada, Spain´s most influenced city by Moorish culture and stunningly located on the flanks of the Sierra Nevada and the highest peak of the Iberian Peninsula, the Mulhacen. With our guide we discover the old town of Granada like the Jewish neighbourhood on our way to the legendary Alhambra. Afternoon guided tour to the Alhambra, Nazaries Palaces and Generalife Gardens where we will know a little more about the Andalusian legacy in Spain. At night we will visit local bars and eat tapas, just as the locals do…

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  5. D5: Seville - El Rocio - Donana

    Breakfast, lunch. Today we will continue our way to the well-known Doñana Natural Park, this park harbours the largest population of the almost extinct Iberian Lynx, over 300 bird’s species and its white beach is the longest virgin beach of the country. In this very special village called El Rocio, here the streets are wide and covered with sand, with more horses then cars running through, you can even have a coffee on the terrace without getting of your horse, you really feel like a true wild west cowboy! Lunch under ancient wild olive trees in the square of Acebuche in the middle of the village. The afternoon we will spend inside the National Park, where a 4x4 shows us around while observing many wild animals and birds such as red deer, wild bore, Iberian eagle, Golden eagle, flamencos and many more…. Our way back goes over the longest virgin beach of Spain, over 30 kilometres without construction, with a bit of luck we can see the sun drop in the sea in the late evening, the best way to end this spectacular week in Andalusia!

    Accommodation : (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  6. D6: El Rocio - Tarifa

    Breakfast, lunch.

    After breakfast group transfer to Tarifa for a full day of wildlife observation together with local biologist. We will have a 2-hour tour in a private yacht to observe dolphins and different types of whale species in their natural habitat. The rest of the day we will spend looking for the many birds of prey that cross the street of Gibraltar during the year. This is an unique locations since species from all over the European continent can be spotted year round, we will provide you with telescopes and binoculars in order to obtain the best possible experience. In the afternoon transfer back to Sevilla.

    Accommodation : Hotel in Tarifa

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

  7. D7: Tangier - Chefchaouen

    Accommodation : Hotel in Chefchaouen

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

  8. D8: Chefchaouen

    Accommodation : Hotel in Chefchaouen

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

  9. D9: Chefchaouen - Fes

    Accommodation : Hotel in Fes

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

  10. D10: Fes - Casablanca - Marrakech

    Accommodation : Hotel in Marrakech

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch; Supper

  11. D11: Marrakech

    Accommodation : Hotel in Marrakech

    Meal : Breakfast

  12. D12: Marrakech - Casablanca; Departure or Extension Program

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type Adventure Habitat & Life Worldwide National Park Series

Route CodeC29-SPNH1

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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