[COPIED] 05 The Balkans Elite summer version 8D

Duration8 Days
Difficulty 3 stars
  • Program Outline
  1. D1: China - Tirana - Shkoder

    Pickupthe group at Rinas airport and departure directly to the mountains. After passing through the city of Shkoder, northern capital of the country, we will be at the Kelmendregion. Stop at the Grabomviewpoint to admire the spectacular view over the mountains. After a break in the village of Tamarë we reach Lepushë (1.260 m). This is the place where we’ll spend the first night. Dinner and overnight in local family guesthouse.

    Transport : Minibus (1-1.5 hours)

    Accommodation : Hotel Rozafa (or similar)

    Meal : Supper (Feature Dinner)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  2. D2: Lepushë - Maja Taljanka - Grebaje

    After breakfast we will start our trekking in the Dinaric Alps. Our destination today is the

    small village ofGrebaje (1.160 m). Through an alpine valley we’ll ascend to Maja Taljanka

    (2.057 meters), located in the border between Albania and Montenegro; and from here, with

    magnificent views the rocky massif of Karanfili; continue descending through dense beech

    forest to reach the montenegrin village of Grebaje. Accommodation in bungalows and dinner

    based in local products.

    Accommodation : GrebajeAlpine Hut

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Home-cooked Cuisine)

    Trekking Distance : 12 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 5-6 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +900/-1020 meters

  3. D3: Grebaje - Vuzaj - Theth

    After breakfast departure by van to Vuzaj village (1.060 m). From here begin our trek up toRopojana valley, in the heart of Prokletije National Park. Escorted by magnificent mountains will cross the albanian border. Witnesses of our passage will be shepherd huts and some abandoned military post. After crossing the Pejë Pass (1.745 m) we begin the descent into the albanianvalley of Theth (720 m). Visit the small but beautiful church in Theth. Dinner and overnight in local family guesthouse.

    Accommodation : ThethAlpine Hut

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper

    Trekking Distance : 19.9 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 6-7 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +950/-1150 meters

  4. D4: Theth - Valbonë

    Follow the valley. After reaching the top of the forest, we’ll ended up walking through a

    beautiful high alpine valley until reach the Valbonë Pass (1.795 m). The views from the top

    are well and truly worth it. Leave your bag at the turn in the path and walk the extra couple

    of minutes of uphill to see the amazing panoramas over the valley on either side. From the

    top of the pass it is an easy 50 minute descent to a small café to fill up water and rest for a

    while. The final stages involve some steep downhill followed by a few kilometres along a dry,

    stoney riverbed to Rrogam, small village where we ́ll wait the transport that takes us to our

    guesthouse in Valbonë. Rest and dinner at guesthouse.

    Accommodation : ValbonëAlpine Hut

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Feature Dinner)

    Trekking Distance : 11 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 6-7 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +1100/-800 meters

  5. D5: Valbonë - Tirana

    After breakfast, we start driving for 2h30 (100 km) to Prizren (Kosovo). During the morning

    we will visit Prizren historic city center of one of the Kosovo’s best kept secrets. Nestled in a

    valley between the Sharr Mountains on one side and the ruins of a hilltop citadel on the

    other, Prizren is beautifully situated. Flowing through the heart of the city is the Lumbardhi

    (Bistrica) River, its fast-flowing waters skimming over a riverbed of boulders and under the

    many bridges that criss-cross the city.From the citadel, the old town spills off the hillside to

    the cobbled Schadervan Square below, flanked by the iconic Sinan Pasha Mosque and the

    humpbacked Stone Bridge. With a heady mix of Ottoman and Byzantine architecture, the city

    deserves its alternative name: ‘The Museum under the Open Sky’. After lunch we’ll start

    driving back to Albania. Cross the border and continue our trip crossing the central regions

    until arrive to Tirana. Free time in the evening to walk in Tirana city center.

    Accommodation : Metro Hotel Tirana (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  6. D6: Tirana - Llogara

    During this journey we will move to the Albanian Adriatic coast. Our first stop, Apollonia.

    Visiti the Archeological Park. Ancient city of Apollonia, founded in the sixth century B.C.

    Situated in southwestern Albania, about 13 miles from the city of


    , this city was built by

    Greek colonizers on the lands of the Taulantii Illyrian tribe. It was considered to be one of the

    most prominent cities at the time, selected from over twenty other cities throughout the

    Mediterranean, to receive the glorious name of Apollo, the god of music and poetry. Thanks

    to the monuments and ruins scattered on the hills of the Archaeological Park, the largest in

    Albania, you will have the opportunity to come in intimate contact with the splendor of the

    Hellenistic and Roman periods. After the visit continue driving along the coastline to the town

    of Vlore. Short stop in Vlore. Take some time to rest, eat something and take photos of the

    beautiful turquoise waters of the Adriatic sea. Driving towars the south we will arrive to

    Llogara, the place where we will spend the night. Our hotel is located near the top of a road

    pass in Mount Çika massif (2.044 m), one of the highest mountains in the Albanian Riviera.

    From here we will enjoy magnificent bird’s eye views over the blue Ionian sea.

    Accommodation : Hotel Alpin Llogara (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic); Supper (Hotel Restaurant)

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  7. D7: Llogara - Berat

    Early in the morning (to avoid the hottest hours) start hiking directly from our hotel up to the

    mountain ridge in the middle of Llogara National Park. Arrive to Qafa Thelle pass and follow

    the ridge towards the highest peak (1.430 m). All the way you will enjoy the views over the

    Ionian sea. Descent the ridge that lead us to the Llogara mountain Pass, the finishing point of

    our hike. Distance: 11 km, Altitute difference: +650/-450 m. Time: 3h30.

    At midday drive to Berat (UNESCO World Heritage site) and probably the most beautiful city

    in the country. Night in hotel.

    Accommodation : Portik Hotel (or similar)

    Meal : Breakfast; Lunch (Picnic)

    Trekking Distance : 7 kilometers

    Trekking Time : 3-4 hours

    Altitude Gains & Losses : +1000/-1000 meters

    - Reference Hotel Pictures

  8. D8: Berat - Tirana; Departure or Extension Program

    After breakfast we are programming a city walk to visit the old town. Berat is best-known for the Ottoman houses that cascade down both sides of its gentle valley. Portals cut into the stone facades lend Berat the epithet ‘The City of a Thousand Windows’. Between the unusual Berat Castle and the medieval bazaar, local cuisine, a lively cafe scene, and one of the handsomest Ethnographic Museums in the Balkans, Berat has a lot to offer. Berat is compact; it’s possible to see the highlights of the historic Old Town and the castle in a day. We will walk through the old town visiting the 3 areas: Mangalem, the muslim quarter, Kalasa and the castle and Gorica, located in the opposite side of the Osum river. In the afternoon transfer directly to the Rinas-Tirana airport (120 km, 2h) to board your flight back home.

    Transport : Minibus (1.5-2 hours)

    Accommodation : Own arrangement

    Meal : Breakfast

Route Type Trekking

Route Code303-BPT02

Independent Group
Customized Itinerary
Family Tour

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